Why Car Electronics are so Complex
Here’s an in-depth look inside a car’s electrical system and how it works. To break down this complex topic, this video will cover 6 main topics:
1:05 Power Distribution
5:43 Wiring Harness
8:49 Connectors
12:21 Electrical Modules
15:25 Wiring Diagram
20:22 CANBus Communication
The electrical system in a car is responsible for controlling and distributing electricity from the car’s battery and alternator to each component in the vehicle. Current begins its journey at the battery (and then the alternator if the engine is running), and makes its way to the intelligent power distribution module, which contains circuit breakers, fuses and relays. Current is then split off into various circuits through the wiring harness, which will feed electrical loads, such as modules, computers, light bulbs and motors.
To connect the various electronic devices in a modern vehicle, a network of communication, called CANBus is used. It significantly reduces the number of wires travelling throughout a car, enables easier communication between computer modules and aids with advanced diagnostics.
Also discussed is how to properly diagnose an electrical issue in your car, properly fix a broken wire and de-pin an electrical connector.
The majority of components in this video were from a 2004 Infiniti G35’s electrical system.
Wiring diagrams can be found here:
ย Now that you’ve mastered the car’s electrical system, you can buy tools to help with your diagnostics and repair here:
https://amzn.to/2AQzEND (US)
https://amzn.to/3hK520C (Canada)
De-pinning tool:
https://amzn.to/2V7ntmu (US)
https://amzn.to/316Iu4g (Canada)
Toyota Techstream Cable:
https://amzn.to/3i2mfmi (US)
https://amzn.to/2Z3IG1w (Canada)
Soldering iron:
https://amzn.to/3eBLs4Z (US)
https://amzn.to/3dl2cMl (Canada)
Heat shrink tubing:
https://amzn.to/3erPTiv (US)
https://amzn.to/3fF93lg (Canada)
Electrical Tape:
https://amzn.to/2Nk9wgz (US)
https://amzn.to/3hObF1X (Canada)
Electrical Contact cleaner:
https://amzn.to/2AYz93W (US)
https://amzn.to/2zU9fxH (Canada)
My brother’s toothbrush:
https://amzn.to/2V5O975 (US)
https://amzn.to/37SZP27 (Canada)
This is the Camera I use:
https://amzn.to/2Y24ixX (US)
https://amzn.to/2Yhb3eo (Canada)
Link to Etsy shop where you can purchase speedkar99’s brother’s socks, t-shirts or hoodies:
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You mean I can put my Rockford Fosgate Punch 150 in the oven and that would fix it? NICE!!!!!!!!
Much appreciated ๐๐ป
I’m looking at going into auto-electrics. I found this very helpful. Could you do more diagnostics and more detailed breakdowns into each component. Subscribed
Helpful and informative video. ๐
However you might like to search for proper "soldering and joining techniques".
Using the "twist, solder and bend" method, while providing a valid connection, creates a parallel bubble with sharp points that may pierce insulation. It also causes a pressure point against other wires in the Harness, and the sharp bend brings a point of future failure due to vibration or movement.
Excellent, already subscribeded.
Worthy of 2nd comment. this video alone = my past 3yrs mechnical experience + future semester at community college electrical class(s). ๐
Great video, thank you. I hope you dont use the TOOTHBRUSH in your bathroom ๐
Jump your car backwards, hello, the next time someone asks for a free jump, I’m driving away.
Brief, and straight up to the point with Standard reference material…. Continue Doing your best,.
Hi am very happy for watching your video i think if i keep watching I will learn easily
How much do they weigh?
Best run down vid. Great
thanks for the video
now here is my story
i drive a 2007 Toyota Mark x its has the 4GR engine this Engine is similar OR almost Similar to the engine in Lexus is250,
many years ago i developed a minor problem with transmission Which seemed to clear away by itself
the car Would REV so high(4000RPM) and the rev will not match the speed it was engaging gears 1, 2, 3 but omitting 4 ,5,6
reported to mechanic .. all he did was disconnect the negative side of the battery terminal and reconnect it back then the car performed well with no problem
Many months later this problem came once in a while and i did resolve it by disconnecting the battery terminal
the problem became more and or routine service i asked the dealer to service my gear box by changing the ATF which was done and problem still persisted,
one day on routine battery service the technical told me my battery voltage is low(9.0)V There was no Check engine light , no Battery flashing all good) He Said "U NEED TO REPLACE YOUR ALTERNATOR SOON"look like the alternator is not charging well, he allowed me to drive
Few weeks later the Starter died and we had to replace it
after replacing the STARTER 2 months passed by and the second STARTER ALSO died
we replaced it with a new STARTER thereby after 3 months the ALTERNATOR "DIED/FAILED"
we replaced THE ALTERNATOR and on that replacement we got a volt reading of 12.4V
now back to the Transmission
the problem became more common NOW I HAD to always reset the ECU by disconnecting the negative side of the battery every time i want to drive and when i switch off the car if i have to drive it i have to reset by the same procedure and this became annoying
on diagnostic no error code was captured
THEN gear box dealer decided we replace the shift solenoid which we did all 8 of them
same problem car shift 123 not 456 Very annoying
he then decided its an electrical problem
then we took to electrician he Scanned said error codep0176( shift body solenoid c remain open)
p603 engine stall history
He said he cannot fix my car because
2 " am not sure if its the gear box or ECU OR WIRING" GAVE ME MORE HEADACHE
3.Imay be forced to strip off the car and that is too much of a job to do
1 from my history do u think this is an ECU PROBLEM
2.I CANT FIND A TRANSMISSION WIRING DIAGRAM ANYWHERE ON THS CAR WILL CHANGING THE ECU NEW ECU BE A HELP remember the disconnecting and connecting battery terminal to reset then the car wud function well
Please help my e mail
Auto Buddy
there not they just want too charge u a whole lot of$$$$$$$$!
Is driving me crazy. The โGreen stuffโ heโs referring to is Copper oxide or copper rust.
but where are other power transistors (you mentioned drivers for injectors)? There should be plenty of them. Relay is just on/off but many electrical stuff have power control, so it is not just on/off, but can be throttled.
I honestly love the way you explain complex things very easy you are a master in the subject matter
Thank you for taking the time to creat such an outstanding video. Any advice on how to get Techstream software?
Without a doubt the best high speedkar99 explanation of overly complex automotive electrical systems I have ever watched. Curious as to what your brother does with his day, besides brushing his teeth.
It is not complex at all. They only need One Billion Transistors in a chip the size of the Moon to open your car windoooooow….
I have asked this on numerous videos. Does anyone have knowledge of a purveyor of this information as a trade school? The future is automotive electronics.
it was the window lockout button?
here the thing… china makes all these replacement parts. they are not sending us parts anymore. its time to go old school or ๐ถwalk.
These things does not belong in a car or a truck.
You did ex excellent job bro
here is my 1947 Ford 8N tractor. It was four spark plugs. The End.
Wiring gives me a headache.
Learn hexidemical also it aint hard. Yall should learn comuter networking. Its da same but different. Ip addressing
as always most educative. great service indeed. Regards
Tesla 48V would be like lol, complex in software, no hardware
Yep, complex. That’s why I prefer a vehicle with a minimum of electronic gadgets and controls.
14:57 ios battery low sound๐
Awsome explanation!! The World flows better Together!
Really nice video! Is there anyway you can make a more in depth video on electrical diagnostics using a multi meter?
Well explained, well detailed, well demonstrated, excellent coverage. Amazing work, appreciate it.
Is OralB sponsoring you,if not they need to send you a check.
Yo broke it down. Learn binary. On n off 1/0 POWER
Wonderful work you have done in this video, many thanks for doing it.
That why cars of today are junk. too much to go wrong.
How can i check those wiring diagram for each and every car ?
Wow bro.. I’ve been diagnosing auto electrical for a minute. Your videos are what i would call "essential". How did you learn all this? did you just tear things apart out of curiosity? have you been a mechanic your whole life? curious.
bro, I am angry that how can I miss this video…. thank bro & love you, all the material on your channel is a gold & diamond for people like me…
Slowing down the video speed really helps. Full of information, thanks!
Many thanks, wonderful explaining and much helpful.
I am a degree qualified electronics engineer with 40 years of experience. DO NOT BAKE A CIRCUIT BOARD IN AN OVEN… You may cause the capacitors to explode.
Generally, you will never fix a faulty solder joint that way without killing the rest of the board. If the solder is grey and the joint is poor you may get away with using a heat gun if you are quick and very careful not to overheat the board and surrounding area. The best thing is to use a soldering iron and fresh solder.
Good job.well done,keep it up.
6:46 The disdain for that tracker bro….๐คฃ๐คฃ
Speedkar99 – I’ve got a 2005 Subaru Outback with a 3.0L engine. The AC has been a problem for 3 years – though I’ve attempted to have it fixed. It now appears my mechanic has the problem isolated to the onboard EGI/ECM part # 22611AH63D – which is expensive to replace. Are you aware of issues with this – and do you think that in fact we have isolated the problem? (the compressor is in good order – the system holds coolant) Thanks for any input you can offer! Grateful !
You forgot the engine gnomes that live in radiator canyon. Their magic keeps the power flowing